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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 87 - San Juan Capistrano / Dana Point

Coach Information

Coaches "go-to's"/Coaching Resources
When accessing your "team page" within SportsConnect, go to the team directory, then coaches clipboard..., this is where you will find many useful coach/coaching resources.

Coaches Manuals

Here is where you will access "Coach Manuals" for your proper division:
Click on "Resources" to access Coaches Manuals.

Here is where you will access "Matchtrak" for your proper division:
Click the applicable hyperlink below, click on "Standings", navigate to your proper division, then click Coaches Name for schedule.
Score Reporting Password on Matchtrak:  fall22

U6; U8; & U10:
MatchTrak - Game Scheduling and Referee Management

U12 & U14
MatchTrak - Game Scheduling and Referee Management

U16 &U19
MatchTrak - Game Scheduling and Referee Management

Extra Division:
MatchTrak - Game Scheduling and Referee Management

Coach is responsible for dog policy

Both Region 87 and visiting coaches are responsible for ensuring compliance of the Region 87 No Dogs policy.

See the Region 87 No Dogs policy for more information.

If a dog within 10 yards of your team's touchline, that team's head coach will receive a caution (a yellow card) and the game will be stopped until the animal is removed from the immediate playing area.

If the animal reappears, or if it takes longer than 5 minutes to remove the animal, the match will be abandoned, and your team will forfeit the match.

Please help our referees by ensuring that no dogs or other pets are present at our fields.

Referee Points

The home coach is always responsible for ensuring there are qualified, uniformed referees for a match.

If no qualified referee is available, the home team for the match will forfeit the match. See the Referee Point Requirements page for specifics related to your team's age bracket.

National Partners

Our sponsors


Contact Us

AYSO Region 87

PO BOX 788 
San Juan Capistrano, California 92693

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 949-697-4767
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